The model core BlueM.Sim allows for rainfall runoff computations of water quantity fluxes and water quality processes in rural and urban catchment parts using physically-based approaches. To allow for a detailed representation of catchments with complex land use and various man-made structures the model is based on elementary units to build the system structure. The model core consists of three sub models, that are developed as OpenMI compliant components. Thus, BlueM.Sim can be coupled with other OpenMI-compliant models.
A physically based, spatially distributed deterministic model for short and long term simulations. The rural catchments parts are divided into sub catchments and hydrologic similar units that can be modeled using different rainfall runoff and routing algorithms.
BlueM.SimU for the urban catchment parts:
A detailed deterministic rainfall runoff and pollution load model that computes the dominant characteristics of urban drainage systems. It is based on elementary units for:
- Urbanized sub catchments,
- point sources,
- sewer pipes,
- branchings,
- storage structures,
- overflow structures (CSOs) and
- waste water treatment plants.
BlueM.SimC for the receiving water bodies:
Flow and water quality processes in natural water bodies are simulated by merging hydraulic and quality impacts from rural and urban catchments within the sub model BlueM.SimC. It is based on elementary units for:
- River segments,
- reservoirs (including complex management schemes),
- point sources,
- consumers and
- branchings.