BlueM is gaining traction!
Aside from being used and developed in several bachelor/master thesis and research projects at several universities (e.g the research project Humanized River Systems at RWTH Aachen University, see the publications overview and our blog for details of current developments), the BlueM Dev Team welcomes Martin Großhaus as a new BlueM developer.
Martin Großhaus is responsible for BlueM.GIS, the new interface between a Geograpic Information System QGIS and the hydrological simulation model BlueM.Sim. Chapeau!

The BlueM Dev Team is welcoming Martin onboard – an looking forward to many more outstanding contributions to BlueM!
If you want to know, how to generate the necessary input data within a QGIS, feel free to take a look into the (german) bachelor thesis of Fabian Schweizer [Eignung von QGIS für die Erstellung von Eingangsdaten für das Modellsystem BlueM].
– The BlueM Dev Team