BlueM is gaining more momentum. And more interest. The BlueM Development Team has been asked to present the current status of BlueM and it’s further development both at the “DAWAKO 2017” at Technische Universität Darmstadt and the “German Day of Hydrology 2017” at Trier University.
Current status
One of the major advantages of BlueM.Sim is it’s modular structure and the outer time loop, making the implementation of new modules relatively easy and straightforward. Currently implemented modules comprise natural catchment parts (including detailed SWAT modeling and diffuse pollution); lakes, ponds, and reservoirs (including complex management schemes); and river segments (including structured cross sections, flood routing and water quality processes).
Urban structures like urban catchment parts, sewers, combined sewer overflows and waster water treatment plants have been coupled via OpenMI so far.
BlueM.Sim is tightly coupled to BlueM.Wave for time series management and BlueM.Opt for multi-objective optimization tasks. BlueM.Wave is able to import and export a wide range of different time series formats whereas BlueM.Opt is equipped with several interfaces to interact with other simulation software.

Given it’s wide range of functionalities, users of BlueM.Sim, BlueM.Wave and BlueM.Opt range from research institutions over government institutions to private companies. For example, the hydrological model core of BlueM.Sim forms the base of simulation-based analysis and planning methodology of the German Federal State of Hesse to identify critical impacts on receiving water bodies from the identification of critical impacts due to waste water discharges. For further application examples of BlueM please refer to our application page.

For further information about the current status of BlueM please refer to the wiki or one of our recent (German) publications:
- [download id=”1162″]
- [download id=”1173″]
Further Development
Aside from regular bug fixes and enhancements, recent development has been focused on BlueM.Wave, where many new functionalities have been released in version 1.6.
Currently, we are working on the direct integration of urban modules into the BlueM.Sim model core. While discharge routines have already been implemented and are currently being tested and validated, the development focus is now on implementing water quality routines as well, also for more stagnant water bodies like slow flowing river stretches above weirs, lakes and reservoirs.
Further emphasis will be put on the capabilities of BlueM for immission based modeling together with respective post processing and evaluation procedures.
Stay tuned…
– The BlueM Dev Team